
   The earliest, simplest method for spanning a space is the post-and-lintel system of upright posts to support a horizontal beam, called a lintel. The width of the lintel is limited not only by its tensile strength, but also by the length of the materials possible for use as a lintel. Often, a series of posts must be used to increase the overall width of an enclosed space, creating a room encumbered by columns or wall divisions. Although most structures employ a post-and-lintel system, one of the more famous examples of the use of a post-and-lintel is Stonehenge, constructed in the Salisbury Plain of Wiltshire, England, around 2750 BC. Here, five pairs of vertical megaliths called trilithons are formed in the shape of a horseshoe, and each pair was capped by a lintel. This group was surrounded by an outer circle of megaliths capped by a continuous lintel of massive horizontal stones. Other Prehistoric structures include individual freestanding post-and-lintel stone formations found across Europe, called dolmens.
   Stone post-and-lintel structures are found throughout the Ancient Near East and Ancient Egypt, while wood was also used through-out Europe in post-and-lintel construction. By the 18th century, the replacement of stone and wood lintels by cast-iron and then steel frames has allowed for a gradual increase in unobstructed room widths that rival the size of domed interiors, yet with flat roofs and broad interiors supported by metal framing.

Historical Dictionaries of Literature and the Arts. . 2008.