
European option
Option that may be exercised only at the expiration date. Related: american option. The New York Times Financial Glossary
An option that the holder can exercise only on the expiration date.
See American option, Bermuda option and Asian option. American Banker Glossary
option that may be exercised only at the expiration date. Related: American option. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary
An option that can be exercised only on its expiration date rather than before that date. Exchange Handbook Glossary
An option which is only exercisable at expiry. LIFFE

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European option European option option

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   An option that the holder can exercise only on the expiry date.
   ► See also American Option, Option.

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European option UK US noun [C] (also European-style option) FINANCE
an option (= the right to buy or sell shares, bonds, or currencies for a fixed price on a particular date) that can only be traded on the day it ends and at the price given on that day
Compare AMERICAN OPTION(Cf. ↑American option)

Financial and business terms. 2012.