
A discipline concerned with determining value and making decisions. The finance function allocates resources, which includes acquiring, investing, and managing resources. The New York Times Financial Glossary

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I. finance fi‧nance 1 [ˈfaɪnæns, fˈnæns ǁ fˈnæns, ˈfaɪnæns] noun
1. [uncountable] BANKING money provided or lent, for example by a bank for investment (= when money is put into buildings, equipment, etc to produce goods and services) or consumption (= when people buy goods and services):
finance for

• The building society is Scotland's biggest source of finance for house building.

• The European Investment Bank would provide finance for a range of activities including regional development activity.

• The next step was to obtain finance in order to start manufacturing and selling full-sized engines.

• If you are selling a larger property, which is paid for, and buying a smaller one, then you will not have to raise finance (= obtain it )

2. [uncountable] the management of money by countries, organizations, and people:

• The appointment of a top finance executive as vice chairman suggests that finance will play a prominent role in the company's future.

• Russia's finance minister said he expects the ruble to stabilize soon.

3. [uncountable] ECONOMICS the study of the management and use of money:

• He is professor of finance at Wharton Business School.

4. finances [plural] ECONOMICS the money that an organization or person has, and the way that they manage it:

• Italian state finances are about the worst of any major world economy.

• The television network hired McKinsey to conduct an overall strategic review of its structure, operations and finances.

ˈbusiness ˌfinance BANKING FINANCE
money lent by a bank or other financial organization to a business for a particular purpose, and the lending of money in this way:

• We discussed leasing and other forms of business finance.

conˈsumer ˌfinance BANKING
finance that is provided to people, usually so that they can buy particular goods:

• Consumer finance was easily the biggest component in new lending last year.

ˈcorporate ˌfinance BANKING
finance that is provided to companies, and the banking activity of providing it:

• The corporate finance group will act as advisers to corporate clients on such matters as strategic restructuring and mergers.

ˈdebt ˌfinance FINANCE
borrowing by companies or governments in the form of loans on which interest is paid, for example bonds:

• Most European companies use only one form of debt finance — the traditional bank credit.

• If taxation is not available to cover public expenditure, governments must resort to debt finance or increases in the money supply to finance their activities.

ˈequity ˌfinance FINANCE
finance obtained by companies in the form of shares, rather than in the form of debt:

• They fell into the trap of relying too little on equity finance and too much on bank credit.

ˌhigh ˈfinance FINANCE
financial activities involving very large amounts of money, for example with governments or large companies:

• Their influence has spread as they have moved into the corridors of high finance and big business.

ˈmortgage ˌfinance BANKING
finance for people and companies to buy property:

• Banks, federal credit agencies and mortgage brokers now provide the vast majority of mortgage finance to the nation's homeowners.

ˌpersonal ˈfinance
people's management of their own money:

• The organization provides advice and guidance on personal finance.

ˌpublic ˈfinance ECONOMICS
the management of money by a local or national government, or money that spent by a government:

• Agencies can become dependent on public finance and end up relying too much on the government departments who give the funds.

  [m0] II. finance finance 2 verb [transitive] BANKING FINANCE
to give or lend money, especially a large amount of money, to pay for something:

• The new company will be financed by a total of $200 million in equity and $300 million in bank debt.

— see also financing, refinance

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finance UK US /ˈfaɪnæns/ noun
[U] (UK money borrowed from an investor, bank, organization, etc. in order to pay for something: raise/get/obtain finance »

Other ways of raising finance include equity release on a home and flexible mortgages.

arrange/provide/offer finance for sth »

The state-owned bank provides finance for buying homes.

require/need/seek finance »

All of these strategies required finance.

See Note MONEY(Cf. ↑money)
[U] the activity or business of managing money, especially for a company or government: finance industry/sector »

Employment is expected to grow in finance, insurance, real estate, trade and services industries.

finance minister/director/committee »

The finance director reported a 3% rise in sales.

[U] ECONOMICS the study of the way money is used and managed in the economy: »

There, he studied corporate finance and learned how to read income statements and balance sheets.

finances — Cf. finances
See also BUSINESS FINANCE(Cf. ↑business finance), CONSUMER FINANCE(Cf. ↑consumer finance), CORPORATE FINANCE(Cf. ↑corporate finance), DEBT FINANCE(Cf. ↑debt finance), EQUITY FINANCE(Cf. ↑equity finance), HIGH FINANCE(Cf. ↑high finance), MEZZANINE FINANCE(Cf. ↑mezzanine finance), MORTGAGE FINANCE(Cf. ↑mortgage finance), PERSONAL FINANCE(Cf. ↑personal finance), PROJECT FINANCE(Cf. ↑project finance), PUBLIC FINANCE(Cf. ↑public finance)
finance UK US /ˈfaɪnæns/ verb
[T] to provide or lend the money needed to pay for something : finance a project/development/programme »

20% of the budget has been set aside to help finance the project.

be financed by/with/through »

Corporate acquisitions will likely be financed through the issuance of high-yield bonds.

Financial and business terms. 2012.