
real estate
See real property. American Banker Glossary
A piece of land and whatever physical property is on it. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary

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real estate ˈreal esˌtate noun PROPERTY
1. [uncountable] land or buildings; = REAL PROPERTY; , REALTY AmE:

• Pension funds often invest in real estate.

• a piece of real estate

2. [uncountable] the business of selling land or buildings:

• those who make a living in real estate

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real estate UK US noun [U] (US PROPERTY
land or buildings that someone owns: »

It's a prime piece of real estate.


commercial/residential/industrial real estate

buy/sell/invest in real estate »

Supported by bank loans, several manufacturing companies in the area invested heavily in real estate.

the activity of buying and selling land and buildings: »

She works in real estate in Dallas.


the real estate industry/sector


a real estate investor/expert/tycoon

Financial and business terms. 2012.