
Further reading
Baensch, Robert E. (2003). The Publishing Industry in China. New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers.
Feldman, Gayle (1986). ‘The Organization of Publishing in China’.
China Quarterly 102: 519–29.
Lynch, Daniel (1999). After the Propaganda State. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
Neder, Christina (1999). Lesen in der VR China [Reading in the People’s Republic of China]. Hamburg: Institut für Asienkunde.
Nielsen, Inge (2000). ‘Modern Chinese literature Sells Out’. Tamkang Review 30.3 (Spring):89–110.
Further reading
Hartford, Kathleen (2000). ‘Cyberspace with Chinese Characteristics’. Current History (September): 255–62.
Harwit, Eric and Clark, Duncan (2001). ‘Shaping the Internet in China: Evolution of Political Control over Network Infrastructure and Content’. Asian Survey 41.3:377–408.
Yang, Guobin (2003). ‘The Impact of the Internet on Civil Society in China: A Preliminary Assessment’. Journal of Contemporary China 12.36. Available at http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/Leaflets/CJCC.PDF
Further reading
Berry, Chris (1988). ‘Interview with Hu Mei.’ Camera Obscura: A Journal of Feminism and Film Theory 18 (September): 32–42.
Cui, Shuqin (2003). ‘Desire in Difference: Female Voice and Point of View in Hu Mei’s Army Nurse’ In idem, Women Through the Lens: Gender and Nation in a Century of Chinese Cinema. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press.
Further reading
McLaren, Anne (1998). ‘Crossing Gender Boundaries in China: Nüshu Narratives’. Intersections (September).
Rainey, Lee (1996). The Secret Writing of Chinese Women: Religious Practices and Beliefs’.
Annual Review of Women in World Religions 4:130–63.
Silber, Cathy (1994). ‘From Daughter to Daughter-in-Law in the Women’s Script of Southern Hunan’. In C.Gilmartin, G.Hershatter, L.Rofel and T.White (eds), Engendering China: Women, Culture, and the State. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Smith, Norman (1996/1997). ‘Women and Religion in Jiangyong County: Views from Nüshu’. British Columbia Asian Review 10:121–78.
Further reading
Chen, N. (2003). Breathing Spaces. New York: Columbia University Press.
Kleinman, A. (1999). The Moral Economy of Depression and Neurasthenia in China’. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry 23:389–92.
Lee, S. (1999). ‘Diagnosis Postponed: Shenjing-shuairuo and the Transformation of Psychiatry in Post-Mao China’. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry 23:349–80.
Wang, Q. (1997). Wang Qi nankexue. Zhengzhou: Henan kexuejishu chubanshe.
Further reading
Barmé, Geremie R. (1999). In the Red: On Contemporary Chinese Culture. New York: Columbia University Press.
Barmé, Geremie R. and Minford, John (eds) (1989). Seeds of Fire: Chinese Voices of Conscience. New York: Noonday Press.
Carter Center (1997). The Carter Center Delegation to Observe Village Elections in China March 4–16, 1997. Working Paper Series. Atlanta: Carter Center of Emory University.
Goodman, David S.G. (1981). Beijing Street Voices: The Poetry and Politics of China’s Democracy Movement. Boston: Marion Boyars.
Han, Minzhu and Hua, Sheng (eds) (1990).
Cries for Democracy: Writings and Speeches from the 1989 Chinese Democracy Movement. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Nathan, Andrew J. (1985). Chinese Democracy. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Ogden, Suzanne (2002). Inklings of Democracy in China. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Pan, Wei (1999). ‘Yifazhi wei daoxiang, yi lizhi wei hexin de zhengzhi tizhi gaige’ [Democracy or Rule of Law?—China’s Political Future], unpublished manuscript.
Peerenboom, Randall (2002). China’s Long March toward Rule of Law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Schell, Orville (1995). Mandate of Heaven: The Legacy of Tiananmen Square and the Next Generation of China’s Leaders. New York: Touchstone.
White, Tyrell (ed.) (2001). China Briefing: The Continuing Transformation. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe.
Xu, Ben (1999). Disenchanted Democracy: Chinese Criticism after 1989. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
Barmé, Geremie R. (1999). ‘Consuming T-shirts in Beijing’. In idem, In The Red: On Contemporary Chinese Culture. New York: Columbia University Press, 145–78.
Benton, Gregor (1988). ‘The Origins of the Political Joke’. In Chris Powell and George E.C.Paton (eds), Humor in Society: Resistance and Control. London: Macmillan, 41.
Further reading
Bruun, Ole (2003). Fengshui in China: Geomantic Divination between State Orthodoxy and Popular Religion. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press.
Further reading
Mitter, Rana (2000). ‘Behind the Scenes at the Museum: Nationalism, History, and Memory in the Beijing War of Resistance Museum’. China Quarterly 161 (March): 279–93.
Ren, Hai (1998). ‘Economies of Culture: Theme Parks, Museums, and Capital Accumulation in China, Hong Kong, and Taiwam’. PhD diss., University of Washington.
Further reading
Dudbridge, Glen (1978). The Legend of Miao-shan. Oxford, Oxford Faculty of Oriental Studies Oriental Monographs 1. London: Ithaca Press.
Sangren, Steven (1983). ‘Female Gender in Chinese Religious Symbols: Kuan-yin, Ma Tsu and the Eternal Mother’, Signs 9: 4–25
——(1987). History and Magical Power in a Chinese Community. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
Stein, R.A. (1986). ‘Avalokitesvara/Kouan-yin, un exemple de transformation d’un dieu en déesse’, Cahiers d’Extrême-Asie 2: 17–80
Yü, Chun-fang (2000). Kuan-yin: The Chinese Transformation of Avalokitesvara. New York: Columbia University Press.

Encyclopedia of contemporary Chinese culture. . 2011.