

1. прил.;
кратк. форма от трудный
2. предик. it is difficult/hard трудно поверить этому ≈ it is difficult/hard to believe it ему трудно понять ≈ it is difficult/hard for him to understand трудно сказать ≈ it's hard to say мне трудно судить ≈ it's hard for me to tell
3. нареч. with difficulty ему трудно приходится ≈ he has a hard time, he is having a hard time of it

1. нареч. with difficulty;
~ поверить it is difficult/hard to believe;
~ понять it is hard to understand;
эту книгу ~ купить this book is very difficult to get;
ему ~ приходится he has a hard time;

2. в знач. сказ. безл. it is difficult/hard;

3. в знач. сказ. безл. (дт.) it is hard (for) ;
мне ~ (+ инф.) I have difficulty (in + -ing) , I find it difficult (+ to inf.) .

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.