
   The most prominent of a number of settlements on the seaward promontory of the Tolfa hills excavated most recently by a German and French team. It dates from the Middle Bronze Age, through the Final Bronze Age (three hectares) to the Villanovan period, and then again from the seventh century BC to the end of the Etruscan period and later. The main cemeteries date from the seventh to the third century BC. The recent excavations within the settlement itself suggest the existence of public buildings with fine architectural reliefs that range over the sixth and fifth centuries BC. This is a typical intermittent sequence of a site on the frontier between two major Etruscan cities, namely, in this case, Tarquinia (to the north) and Caere (to the south). Related sites in the same area of the Tolfa hills include Allumiere, Caolino, Castellina del Cerasolo, Cibona, Coste del Marano, Croce di Bura, Elceto, Fontana del Papa-Tolficciola, Forchetta del Sasso, Forchetta del Palano, Monte Urbano, La Tolfaccia, Monte S. Angelo, Monte delle Grazie and Tolfa.

Historical Dictionary of the Etruscans. .