
Karl m
German and Scandinavian form of CHARLES (SEE Charles), now also used to some extent in the English-speaking world. The perennial popularity of this name in the German-speaking world was reinforced by the fact that it was an aristocratic and royal name from an early date, being borne, for example, by no less than seven Austrian emperors. Its status as an imperial name is reflected in the fact that the Polish, Czech, and Hungarian vocabulary words for ‘emperor’ are derived from the personal name: król, král, and király respectively. See also CARL (SEE Carl).
Pet form: Kalle.
Cognates: Dutch, Czech: Karel. Polish: Karol.
Hungarian: Károly. See also CHARLES (SEE Charles).
Feminine forms: German, Scandinavian: Karla See also CARLA (SEE Carla).

First names dictionary. 2012.