
War in Lebanon
   1) (1982)
   Also known as Operation Peace for Galilee. On 6 June 1982, Israel began a major military action against the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in Lebanon. The announced immediate goal was to put the Galilee out of the range of PLO shelling. It sought to remove the PLO military and terrorist threat to Israel and to reduce the PLO's political capability. It was described as a major response to years of PLO terrorist attacks against Israel and its people. The Israeli incursion into Lebanon came suddenly, and Israeli forces moved swiftly north of the Israel-Lebanon border, capturing and destroying numerous PLO strongholds and positions. Within a week, Israel was in control of much of the southern portion of the country, and thousands of PLO fighters were killed or captured. By the middle of June, Israel had virtually laid siege to Beirut. The war enjoyed widespread initial support but later occasioned major debate and demonstrations (much relating to the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps) and led to Israel's increased international political and diplomatic isolation. It also brought about major political and diplomatic clashes with the United States.
   See also Arab-Israeli Conflict; Argov, Shlomo; Israel—Lebanon Agreement of 17 may 1983; Kahan Commission of Inquiry; Second Lebanon War (2006).
   2) War in Lebanon (2006)
   See Second Lebanon War (2006).

Historical Dictionary of Israel. .