
Camp David Accords
   Egyptian president Anwar Sadat's historic visit to Jerusalem in November 1977 was followed by negotiations in which the United States—and President Jimmy Carter personally—played an active and often crucial role. In September 1978, President Carter, President Sadat of Egypt, Prime Minister Menachem Begin of Israel, and their senior aides held an extraordinary series of meetings for 13 days at Camp David, Maryland, during which they discussed the Arab-Israeli conflict. On 17 September 1978 at the White House, they announced the conclusion of two accords that provided the basis for continuing negotiations for peace: a "Framework for Peace in the Middle East"; and a "Framework for the Conclusion of a Peace Treaty between Egypt and Israel."
   The Middle East framework set forth general principles and some specifics to govern a comprehensive peace settlement, focusing on the future of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. It called for a transitional period of no more than five years, during which Israel's military government would be withdrawn (although Israeli forces could remain in specified areas to ensure Israel's security) and a self-governing authority would be elected by the inhabitants of these areas. It also provided that "Egypt, Israel, Jordan and the representatives of the Palestinian people" should participate in negotiations to resolve the final status of the West Bank and Gaza, Israel's relations with Jordan based on United Nations Security Council Resolution 242, and Israel's right to live within secure and recognized borders.
   The Egypt-Israel framework called for Israel's withdrawal from the Sinai Peninsula and the establishment of normal, peaceful relations between the two states. In addition to the two frameworks, there was a series of accompanying letters clarifying the parties' positions on certain issues. The Egyptian cabinet approved the accords on 19 September, and on 28 September, the Israeli Knesset voted 84 to 19 (with 17 abstentions) to endorse them. The Camp David Accords led to negotiations and the Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty.

Historical Dictionary of Israel. .