
Sinai II Accords
   A complex of agreements between Israel and Egypt achieved through the shuttle diplomacy of Secretary of State Henry Kissinger from the United States. The accords were signed in Geneva on 4 September 1975 by representatives of Egypt and Israel and constituted a significant accomplishment. They consisted of a formal agreement between the two parties, an annex, and a proposal for an American presence in Sinai in connection with an early-warning system. In addition, there were memoranda of understanding between the United States and Israel and separate U.S. assurances to Israel and Egypt. This was more than a simple disengagement of military forces because the parties agreed that the "conflict between them and in the Middle East shall not be resolved by military force but by peaceful means." These were the first steps toward increased accommodation between the parties, and it moved in the direction of a peace settlement. It was in the memorandum of agreement between the United States and Israel regarding the Geneva Peace Conference that the U.S. pledged that it "will continue to adhere to its present policy with respect to the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), whereby it will not recognize or negotiate with the Palestine Liberation Organization so long as the Palestine Liberation Organization does not recognize Israel's right to exist and does not accept United Nations Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338."
   See also Arab-Israeli Conflict.

Historical Dictionary of Israel. .