ad·min·is·tra·tion /əd-ˌmi-nə-'strā-shən/ n
1: the act or process of administering
the administration of justice
2 a: the management and disposal under court authority of the estate of a deceased person by an executor or an administrator
b: the management of an estate (as of a minor) by a trustee or guardian appointed to take charge of it
c: the management of assets held in a trust
3: the execution of public affairs as distinguished from policy-making
4 a: a body of persons (as of an organization) who administer
b often cap: a group that makes up the executive branch of a presidential government
c: a governmental agency or board
5: the term of office of an administrative officer or body
Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam-Webster. 1996.