
dis·count 1 /'dis-ˌkau̇nt/ n: a reduction made from the gross amount or value of something: as
a: a reduction made from a regular or list price or a proportionate deduction from a debt account usu. made for prompt payment or for payment in cash
b: a reduction made for interest in advancing money upon or purchasing a note not yet due
c: a reduction in the price of a bond see also discount bond at bond 2
d: the sale of securities that are issued below and redeemed at face value compare premium 1
dis·count 2 /'dis-ˌkau̇nt, dis-'kau̇nt/ vt
1 a: to make a deduction from usu. for cash or prompt payment
b: to sell or offer at a lowered price
2: to lend money on after deducting a discount
banks discount negotiable instruments
3: to take into account (a future event or prospect) in making present calculations
vi: to give or make discounts
dis·count 3 /'dis-ˌkau̇nt/ adj
1 a: selling goods or services at a discount
a discount broker
b: offered or sold at a discount
discount securities
2: reflecting a discount
the discount price

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.