
I (act of designating) noun allocation, allotment, assignment, authorization, certification, charter, choice, decree, delegation, deputation, designation to office, dispensation, distribution, installation, naming, nomination, order, ordination, placing in office, requirement, selection associated concepts: agency, delegation, limited power of appointment II (meeting) noun agreement as to time and place of meeting, date, engagement, interview, rendezvous, tryst, visit III (position) noun capacity, chargeship, employment, function, incumbency, job, living, occupation, office, post, profession, sphere of occupation, station, undertaking, vocation, work associated concepts: agency, authority IV index agency (legal relationship), allotment, assignment (designation), charge (responsibility), delegation (assignment), deputation (selection of delegates), designation (naming), dispensation (act of dispensing), election (choice), employment, equipment, mission, nomination, office, position (business status), post, province, pursuit (occupation), rendezvous, selection (choice)

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006