
I adjective assured, believable, commanding belief, commanding confidence, convincing, credibilis, creditworthy, dependable, deserving belief, deserving of confidence, faithful, faithworthy, frank, honest, incorruptible, indisputable, indubitable, ingenuous, irrefutable, not improbable, of repute, reliable, reputable, scrupulous, sound, straightforward, to be depended on, to be relied upon, true, trusted, trustworthy, truth telling, truthful, uncorrupt, uncorruptible, undeniable, unequivocal, unfailing, unfalse, upright, veracious, verisimilar, void of suspicion, well-grounded, worthy of belief, worthy of confidence, worthy of credence associated concepts: attack on credibility, credible evidence, credible person, credible witness II index authentic, believable, colorable (plausible), competent, convincing, defensible, ostensible, persuasive, plausible, possible, presumptive, probable, reasonable (rational), reliable, sound, specious, unimpeachable, valid

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