
is·sue 1 /'i-ˌshü, -ˌsyü/ n
1 pl: proceeds from a source of revenue (as an estate)
rents, issue s, and profits
2: one or more lineal descendants
died without issue compare child, heir
3 a: a vital question or problem
cited a national security issue
raised an issue of public safety
b: a matter of dispute between two or more parties; specif: a single material point of fact or law in litigation that is affirmed by one side and denied by the other and that is a subject of the final determination (as by jury) of the proceedings
genuine issue: an issue of fact that requires adjudication by trial rather than summary judgment because sufficient evidence exists to support a verdict for the party opposing the motion for summary judgment
◇ The burden is on the party moving for summary judgment to show that no genuine issue is in dispute.
issue of fact: a dispute about a material fact that is raised by pleadings and that must be resolved by a decision under the law in order to become res judicata
issue of law: a question specifically regarding the application of law to a case
instructed the jury on various issues of lawUnited States v. Levine, 41 F.3d 607 (1994)
c: the point at which a legal matter is ready for determination (as by trial)
filed pleadings and brought the case to issue
4 a: the offering or selling of a group of securities by a corporation or government
a new bond issue
b: the securities offered or sold in such a group
sold the entire issue
at issue also in issue: under discussion or in dispute
is·sue 2 /'i-shü/ vb is·sued, is·su·ing
1: accrue
profits issuing from the sale of the stock
2: to become available or be put forth by authority
waited for the search warrant to issue
vt: to put forth or distribute usu. officially
issue a subpoena
issue bonds
issue credit
is·su·er n

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.