ju·ris·pru·dence /ˌju̇r-əs-'prüd-əns/ n [Late Latin jurisprudentia knowledge of or skill in law, from Latin juris, genitive of jus right, law + prudentia wisdom, proficiency]
1 a: a system or body of law
in the federal jurisprudence; esp: a body of law dealing with a specific issue or area
labor jurisprudence
b: the course of court decisions as distinguished from legislation and doctrine
the jurisprudence decided under the source provisions — Louisiana Civil Code
2: the science or philosophy of law
they have no theories of jurisprudence but...decide each case on its facts — R. H. Bork
ju·ris·pru·den·tial /ˌju̇r-əs-prü-'den-chəl/ adj
Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam-Webster. 1996.