
I (clash) verb altercate, antagonize, argue, be antagonistic, be at cross-purposes, be at variance, be contrary, be discordant, be in antagonism, be incompatible, be inimical, be mutually opposed, conflict with, confront, contend, contradict, contrast with, contravene, controvert, counter, counteract, countervail, counterwork, differ, differ in opinion, differ violently, disaccord, disagree, dispute, dissent, embroil, encounter, entangle, feud, go contrary to, go in opposition to, hold opposite views, interfere with, join issue, object, oppose, oppugn, quarrel, resist, run afoul of, run against, run at cross-purposes, run counter to, run foul of, show hostility, smash up, take issue, traverse, vary, withstand, work against, wrangle II (crash against) verb bump, bump into, butt against, come in contact, come into collision, come together, confligere, converge, crash into, crash together, drive against, drive into, encounter with a shock, enter into collision, hit, hurtle against, impinge, knock against, knock into, make contact, make impact, meet, run into each other, run together, slam into, smash into, strike, strike against, strike at, strike forcibly against each other III index conflict, counter, counteract, cross (disagree with), disagree, dispute (contest), dissent (differ in opinion), impinge, jostle (bump into), meet, oppose

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006