
I verb abide by, accede, accept, acknowledge, acquiesce, affirm, agree, agree in principle, allow, arrive at an agreement, assent, be persuaded, come to terms, comply with, concedere, consent, endorse, endure, give in, grant, impart, permit, permittere, profess, recognize, respect, sanction, settle, submit, submit to, succumb, tolerate, withdraw one's objections, yield associated concepts: conceded facts foreign phrases:
- Qui concedit aliquid, concedere videtur et id sine quo concessio est irrita, sine quo res ipsa esse non potuit. — He who concedes anything is considered as conceding that without which his concession would be idle, without which the thing itself is worthless
II index abandon (relinquish), acknowledge (verify), agree (comply), allow (endure), assent, authorize, bear (tolerate), bestow, cede, compromise (settle by mutual agreement), confess, confirm, conform, forfeit, give (grant), give (yield), let (permit), recognize (acknowledge), reveal, succumb, suffer (permit), surrender (yield), vouchsafe, yield (submit)

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006