
I noun act of bearing witness, adjuration, affirmation, allegation, assertion, asseveration, attest, attesting declaration, authentication, averment, avouchment, avowal, certification, declaration, endorsement, oath, solemn averment, solemn avowal, solemn declaration, statement, substantiation, swearing, sworn evidence, testificatio, testification, testimonium, testimony, validification, verification, witnessing associated concepts: acknowledgment, attestation clause, attestation of chattel mortgage, attestation of deed, attestation of note, attestation of will, attesting witnesses II index adjuration, admission (disclosure), affirmance (authentication), affirmance (legal affirmation), affirmation, assertion, asseveration, assurance, averment, avouchment, avowal, certificate, certification (attested copy), certitude, confirmation, corroboration, declaration, jurat, oath, pledge (binding promise), profession (declaration), proof, record, reference (recommendation), stamp, support (corroboration), testimony

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