
I adjective baroque, beautified, bedecked, complex, complicated, daedal, decorated, deluxe, detailed, developed minutely, done with thoroughness, elaboratus, embellished, executed with exactness, fancy, festooned, flamboyant, flashy, garnished, grandiose, highly wrought, intricate, intricately wrought, involute, involved, labored, marked by excessive effort, ornamented, ornate, ostentatious, painstaking, palatial, perfected, rich, showy, studied, sumptuous, wrought with labor II verb add to, amplify, augment, be more specific, detail, develop, elaborare, enlarge upon, enrich, expand, give additional information, go into detail, improve upon, magnify, perfect, refine, state something in detail III index amplify, compound (adjective), compound (verb), develop, embellish, enhance, enlarge, expand, intricate, meliorate, painstaking

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