
I adjective artful, clever in deception, collusive, concocted, counterfeit, covinous, cunning, deceitful, deceiving, devoid of truth, dishonest, distorted, embroidered, fabricated, false, falsified, feigned, fictitious, fraudulent, given to lying, incorrect, insincere, invented, lacking truth, lying, made up, make-believe, mendax, misrepresentative, misrepresented, misstated, not straightforward, perfidious, perjured, perverted, pretended, prevaricating, sham, sly, spurious, truthless, uncandid, ungenuine, untrue, untruthful, unveracious, unveridical, varnished, void of truth, wrong II index deceptive, disingenuous, false (inaccurate), fictitious, lying, untrue

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