
I verb asperse, attack, attaint, belittle, besmear, besmirch, besmut, blacken, blemish, brand, calumniate, cast a slur, contaminate, decry, defame, defile, degrade, denigrate, denounce, depreciate, derogate, destroy one's reputation, detract, discredit, dishonor, disparage, disrate, expose to infamy, hold up to shame, humiliate, inlinere, libel, make scandal, malign, mar, mark, oblinere, pillory, pollute, render unclean, ridicule, slander, slur, smirch, soil, speak evil of, stain, stigmatize, sully, taint, tarnish, traduce, undermine, vilify, vilipend associated concepts: defamation II index attaint, brand (stigmatize), contemn, deface, defacement, defamation, defame, denigrate, denounce (condemn), denunciation, disgrace, dishonor (shame), dishonor (deprive of honor), disparage, libel (noun), libel (verb), malign, pillory, slander, spread, stain, stigma, sully, tarnish, vilification

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006