
All Hallows the Less
   On the south side of Thames Street, at the north-west corner of the street called Cole Harbour leading to the Thames, east of All Hallows the Great (Leake, 1666-O. and M. 1677). In Dowgate Ward. The parish extends into Bridge Ward Within.
   Earliest mention found in records : Presentation of William son of Robert Hardel to the church of " All Hallows the Less (super Celarium)," 25 H. III.1240 (Cal. P.R. H. III. 1232-47, p. 240).
   Other names and forms of name : " All Hallows upon the Cellar," 1275 (Ct. H.W. I. 25). " All Hallows le Petyt," 1298 (ib. 136). " Omnium Sanctorum super Cellarium," 31 Ed. I. (Lib. Cust. I. 230). " All Hallows super solar," 3 Ed. II. (Cal. L. Bk. D. p. 292). " All Hallows the Less upon the Cellar," 1322 (Ct. H. Wills, I. 300). " All Hallows ye Lytle," 1347-8 (ib. I. 501). " All Hallows near le Roperie," 1349 (ib. 608). " All Hallows the Less in le Roperie," 1452 (Ct. H.W. II. 521). " All Hallows called ' super solarium,' " 1454-5 (ib. 527). " All Hallows the lesser in 'Thamysestreate,' " 11 Eliz. (L.C.C. deeds. Harben bequest, 1500-1600, No. 7).
   Two messuages belonging to Cold Harbour were given by Philip St. Cleare towards the enlargement of the parish church and churchyard, 20 Rich. II. (S. 238). Repaired and beautified by the parishioners 1613-16. Galleries added 1633 (Strype, ed. 1720, I. ii. 206). Burnt in the Fire and not rebuilt, the parish united to All Hallows the Great (ib. 207). The site is partly occupied by Calvert's brewery (H. Co. Mag. V. xiv. No. 54, p. 89).
   A Rectory. In 31 Ed. I. the advowson belonged to the Bishopric of Winchester (Lib. Cust. I. 238), and in 1282 the king presented to the living on account of the voidance of the See of Winchester (Cal. P.R. Ed. I. 1281-92, p. 21). In 1336 the advowson was given to the master of the chapel built by John de Pulteneye in honour of Corpus Christi (Cal. P.R. Ed. III. 1334-8, p. 308). After the dissolution of the monasteries, temp. H. VIII. the advowson fell to the Crown, in whom it remained until 2 Jas. I., when it passed into private hands and eventually to the Bishop of Chichester, who gave the tithes to the Bishop of London in trust for the Rector of the Church (Wilson's St. Lawrence Pountney, p.71-2).
   In 1893 with All Hallows the Great united to St. Martin Vintry.
   Called the Less to distinguish it from All Hallows the Great, and called " on the cellars " because it standeth on the vaults. The Steeple and Quire stood on an arched gate, the entrance to Cold Harbour (S. 257).
   Mention is made in early deeds of tenements under the church 1306 (Ct. H.W. I. 179) and 1347-8 (ib. 501).
   See All Hallows in Parva Roperia.

A Dictionary of London. . 1918.