
Loss of structural differentiation, especially as seen in most, but not all, malignant neoplasms. SYN: dedifferentiation (2). [G. ana, again, + plasis, a molding]

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an·a·pla·sia .an-ə-'plā-zh(ē-)ə n reversion of cells to a more primitive or undifferentiated form

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a loss of normal cell characteristics or differentiation, which may be to such a degree that it is impossible to define the origin of the cells. Anaplasia is typical of rapidly growing malignant tumours, which are described as anaplastic.

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ana·pla·sia (an″ə-plaґzhə) [ana- + -plasia] a loss of differentiation of cells and of their orientation to one another and to their axial framework and blood vessels, a characteristic of tumor tissue; called also dedifferentiation and undifferentiation.

Medical dictionary. 2011.