
angiotensin II
A vasoactive octapeptide produced by the action of angiotensin-converting enzyme on angiotensin I; produces stimulation of vascular smooth muscle, promotes aldosterone production, and stimulates the sympathetic nervous system.

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angiotensin II -'tü n a protein with vasoconstrictive activity that is composed of eight amino acid residues and is the physiologically active form of angiotensin

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an octapeptide hormone formed by the action of angiotensin-converting enzyme (peptidyl-dipeptidase A) on angiotensin I, chiefly in the lungs but also at other sites, including the blood vessel walls, uterus, and brain. It is a powerful vasopressor and stimulator of aldosterone and vasopressin secretion, and it also functions as a neurotransmitter. Its vasopressor action raises blood pressure and diminishes fluid loss in the kidney by restricting blood flow.

Medical dictionary. 2011.