
1. An agent that destroys or expels intestinal worms. SYN: anthelminthic, antihelminthic, helminthagogue, helminthic (2), helmintic (2), vermifuge. 2. Having the power to destroy or expel intestinal worms. SYN: vermifugal. [anti- + G. helmins, worm]

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an·thel·min·tic .ant-.hel-'min-tik, .an-.thel- also an·thel·min·thic -'min-thik adj expelling or destroying parasitic worms (as tapeworms) esp. of the intestine
anthelmintic also anthelminthic n an anthelmintic drug

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1. n. any drug or chemical agent used to destroy parasitic worms (helminths), e.g. tapeworms, roundworms, and flukes, and/or remove them from the body. Anthelmintics include albendazole, mebendazole, niclosamide, piperazine, and praziquantel.
2. adj. having the power to destroy or eliminate helminths.

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ant·hel·min·tic (ant″həl-minґtik) [ant- + Gr. helmins worm] 1. destroying parasitic worms; called also anthelminthic, vermicidal, and vermifugal. 2. an agent that destroys parasitic worms; called also vermicide and vermifuge.

Medical dictionary. 2011.