
The projection of the scapula (the shoulder blade) that forms the point of the shoulder. The acromion is part of the scapula. It protrudes laterally (away from the midline) and is triangular in shape. The top of the shoulder is acromial. The word "acromion" comes from the Greek "akron", peak + "omos", shoulder = the peak of the shoulder.
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The lateral end of the spine of the scapula which projects as a broad flattened process overhanging the glenoid fossa; it articulates with the clavicle and gives attachment to part of the deltoid and trapezius muscles. Its lateral border is a palpable landmark (“the point of the shoulder”). SYN: acromial process. [G. akromion, fr. akron, tip, + omos, shoulder]

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acro·mi·on ə-'krō-mē-.än, -ən n the outer end of the spine of the scapula that protects the glenoid cavity, forms the outer angle of the shoulder, and articulates with the clavicle called also acromial process, acromion process

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an oblong process at the top of the spine of the scapula, part of which articulates with the clavicle (collar bone) to form the acromioclavicular joint.
acromial adj.

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acro·mi·on (ə-kroґme-ən) [acro- + Gr. ōmos shoulder] [TA] the lateral extension of the spine of the scapula, projecting over the shoulder joint and forming the highest point of the shoulder; called also acromial process and acromion scapulae. acromial adj

Posterior (dorsal) surface of the scapula, showing the acromion.

Medical dictionary. 2011.