
Formerly used in the treatment of syphilis, yaws, and some other diseases of protozoan origin, after neutralization with NaOH. The synthesis of a. in 1907 and the demonstration of its usefulness as a therapeutic agent by Paul Ehrlich and co-workers (1909) marked the beginning of chemotherapy. SYN: phenarsenamine.

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ars·phen·a·mine ärs-'fen-ə-.mēn, -mən n a light-yellow toxic hygroscopic powder C12Cl2H14As2N2O2·2H2O formerly used in the treatment esp. of syphilis and yaws called also salvarsan, six-o-six

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ars·phen·a·mine (ahrs-fenґə-mēn) the first medicine specific for the treatment of syphilis, yaws, and other spirillum infections, later replaced by oxophenarsine and then by penicillin. Called also salvarsan.

Medical dictionary. 2011.