
1. Causing contraction or shrinkage of the tissues, arrest of secretion, or control of bleeding. 2. An agent having these effects. [L. astringens]

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as·trin·gent ə-'strin-jənt adj having the property of causing contraction of soft organic tissues <\astringent cosmetic lotions>:
a) tending to shrink mucous membranes or raw or exposed tissues: checking discharge (as of serum or mucus): STYPTIC
b) tending to pucker the tissues of the mouth <\astringent fruits>
as·trin·gen·cy -jən-sē n, pl -cies
astringent n an astringent agent or substance

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a drug that causes cells to shrink by precipitating proteins from their surfaces. Astringents are used in lotions to harden and protect the skin and to reduce bleeding from minor abrasions. They are also used in mouth washes, throat lozenges, eye drops, etc., and in antiperspirants.

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astrin·gent (ə-strinґjənt) [L. astringens, from ad to + stringere to bind] 1. causing contraction, usually locally after topical application. 2. an agent that causes contraction; see also styptic.

Medical dictionary. 2011.