
The SI unit of measurement of radioactivity, equal to 1 disintegration per second; 1 Bq = 0.027 × 10−9 Ci. [AH B.]

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the SI units of activity of a radioactive source, being the activity of a radionuclide decaying at a rate of one spontaneous nuclear transition per second. It has replaced the curie. Symbol: Bq.

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bec·que·rel (Bq) (bek″ə-relґ) [Antoine Henri Becquerel, French physicist and Nobel prize winner, 1852–1908] a unit of radioactivity, defined as that of quantity of a radioactive nuclide whose rate of spontaneous nuclear transformation is one decay per second (1 s−1); 1 curie equals 3.7 Ч 1010 becquerels; 1 microcurie equals 37 kilobecquerels.

Medical dictionary. 2011.