A chronic granulomatous condition of horses, cattle, swine, and humans, usually involving the skin but occasionally also the viscera, and characterized by granules in the pus, consisting of masses of bacteria, generally staphylococci but sometimes other types, surrounded by a hyaline capsule which sometimes exhibits clublike bodies around its periphery; the anatomic structure of the lesion resembles that of actinomycosis and mycetoma. SYN: actinophytosis (2). [fr. Botryomyces]
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bot·ry·o·my·co·sis -'kō-səs n, pl -co·ses -.sēz a bacterial infection of domestic animals and humans marked by the formation of usu. superficial vascular granulomatous masses, associated esp. with wounds, and sometimes followed by metastatic visceral tumors
bot·ry·o·my·cot·ic -'kät-ik adj
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bot·ryo·my·co·sis (bot″re-o-mi-koґsis) [Gr. botrys bunch of grapes + mycosis (because it was formerly thought to be caused by a fungus)] a rare, chronic, purulent, granulomatous bacterial infection usually caused by Staphylococcus aureus, characterized by lesions containing sulfur granules with a central mass of bacteria surrounded by a capsule; histologically, it resembles actinomycosis or mycetoma. Human infection is usually localized to the skin but may involve other organs such as the viscera and lymph nodes, especially in debilitated patients. Infection in domestic animals most often occurs as chronic, localized, or spreading skin abscesses.Medical dictionary. 2011.