
A structure, lesion, or device of knob shape. [M.E., fr. O.Fr. bouton, fr. bouter, to thrust, fr. Germanic]
- Biskra b. SYN: Oriental b..
- Murphy b. a device used for intestinal anastomosis; it consists of two round, hollow cylinders that insert into each end of the transected intestine; the intestine is secured to each of the components with a suture and the ends are brought into approximation and the two cylinders joined with a locking mechanism; the apparatus is degradable and within approximately 10 days dissolves and is sloughed into the lumen of the intestine. A modification of an obsolete metal device bearing the same name.
- Oriental b. the lesion occurring in cutaneous leishmaniasis. SYN: Biskra b..
- peritoneal b. a device used to drain ascitic fluid to subcutaneous space.

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but·ton 'bət-ən n something that resembles a small knob or disk: as
a) the terminal segment of a rattlesnake's rattle

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but·ton (butґən) a knoblike elevation or structure.

Medical dictionary. 2011.