
1. Pertaining to the heart. 2. Pertaining to the esophageal opening of the stomach. 3. (Obsolete). A remedy for heart disease. [L. cardiacus]
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Cardiovascular Disease and Alimentary Comparison [study]

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car·di·ac 'kärd-ē-.ak adj
1 a) of, relating to, situated near, or acting on the heart
b) of or relating to the cardia of the stomach
2) of, relating to, or affected with heart disease
cardiac n an individual with heart disease

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1. of, relating to, or affecting the heart.
2. of or relating to the upper part of the stomach (see cardia).

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car·di·ac (kahrґde-ak) [L. cardiacus, from Gr. kardiakos] 5. pertaining to the heart. 6. pertaining to the cardia of the stomach or the cardiac opening of the esophagus (ostium cardiacum). Called also cardial. Re def. 7. 2: see note

Medical dictionary. 2011.