
A 1,3-bis(phosphatidyl)glycerol found in many biomembranes with immunologic properties; used in serologic diagnosis of syphilis. When mixed with lecithin and cholesterol c. will combine with the Wassermann antibody but not with the treponema-immobilizing antibody. SYN: acetone-insoluble antigen, heart antigen.

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car·dio·lip·in .kärd-ē-ō-'lip-ən n a phospholipid obtained esp. from beef heart and used in combination with lecithin and cholesterol as an antigen in diagnostic blood tests for syphilis

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car·dio·lip·in (kahr″de-o-lipґin) [cardio-(1) + Gr. lipos fat] 1,3-diphosphatidylglycerol, a phospholipid occurring primarily in mitochondrial inner membranes and in bacterial plasma membranes. Cardiolipin is the main antigenic component of Wassermann-type antigens used in nontreponemal serologic tests for syphilis.

Medical dictionary. 2011.