
A blue, copper-containing α-globulin of blood plasma, with a molecular weight of about 122,000 and 6 or 7 atoms of copper per molecule; involved in copper transport and regulation, and can reduce O2 directly without known intermediates; has ferroxidase and polyamine oxidase activities. C. is absent in congenital Wilson disease. [L. caeruleus, dark blue]

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ce·ru·lo·plas·min sə-.rü-lō-'plaz-mən n a blue copper-binding serum oxidase that is deficient in Wilson's disease and that may catalyze the conversion of ferrous iron in tissues to ferric iron

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ce·ru·lo·plas·min (sə-roo″lo-plazґmin) a deep blue, copper-containing α2-globulin with a single subunit, occurring in blood plasma. It is an acute phase protein, has ferroxidase activity, and binds 6 or 7 Cu2+ ions per molecule, functioning in transport and maintenance of tissue levels of copper. It can also oxidize other unsaturated compounds. Ceruloplasmin is absent in Wilson disease.

Medical dictionary. 2011.