1. The period of endocrinal, somatic, and transitory psychologic changes occurring in the transition to menopause. 2. A critical period of life. SYN: climacterium. [G. klimakter, the rung of a ladder]
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cli·mac·ter·ic klī-'mak-t(ə-)rik, .klī-.mak-'ter-ik adj constituting or characterized by the climacteric <the \climacteric state>
climacteric n
2) andropause
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2. (male climacteric) declining sexual drive and fertility in men, usually occurring around or after middle age.
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cli·mac·ter·ic (kli-makґtər-ik) [Gr. klimaktēr rung of ladder, critical point in human life] 1. the syndrome of endocrine, somatic, and psychic changes occurring at the time of menopause in women. 2. similar changes occurring in men; cf. andropause. Called also climacterium.Medical dictionary. 2011.