
A squeezing together; the exertion of pressure on a body in such a way as to tend to increase its density; the decrease in a dimension of a body under the action of two external forces directed toward one another in the same straight line.
- c. of brain SYN: cerebral c..
- cerebral c. pressure upon the intracranial tissues by an effusion of blood or cerebrospinal fluid, an abscess, a neoplasm, a depressed fracture of the skull, or an edema of the brain. SYN: c. of brain.
- c. limiting a hearing aid circuit in which amplification is reduced at high input levels.
- c. of tissue SYN: tissue displaceability.
- wide dynamic range c. a hearing aid circuit in which amplification is increased across the frequency range at low input levels.

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com·pres·sion kəm-'presh-ən n the act, process, or result of compressing esp. when involving a compressing force on a bodily part <\compression of an artery by forceps> <\compression of the brain by the bones of a depressed fracture>

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com·pres·sion (kəm-preshґən) [L. compressio, from comprimere to squeeze together] 1. the act of pressing together; an action exerted upon a body by an external force which tends to diminish its volume and augment its density. 2. in embryology, the shortening or omission of certain stages during development.

Medical dictionary. 2011.