
Uncontrollable thoughts or impulses to perform an act, often repetitively, as an unconscious mechanism to avoid unacceptable ideas and desires which, by themselves, arouse anxiety; the anxiety becomes fully manifest if performance of the compulsive act is prevented; may be associated with obsessive thoughts. [L. com-pello pp. -pulsus, to drive together, compel]

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com·pul·sion kəm-'pəl-shən n an irresistible persistent impulse to perform an act (as excessive hand washing) also the act itself compare OBSESSION, PHOBIA

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an obsession that takes the form of a motor act, such as repetitive washing based on a fear of contamination.

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com·pul·sion (kəm-pulґshən) 1. a persistent and irresistible impulse to perform an irrational, ritualistic, or apparently useless act. 2. a compulsive act or ritual; a repetitive and stereotyped action, such as hand-washing, touching, counting, or checking, that is engaged in for an unknown or unconscious purpose.

Medical dictionary. 2011.