
Surgical repair of the vagina. The -rrhaphy part of the word comes from the Greek raphe meaning suture.
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Repair of a rupture of the vagina by excision and suturing of the edges of the tear. [colpo- + G. rhaphe, suture]

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col·por·rha·phy käl-'pȯr-ə-fē n, pl -phies surgical repair of the vaginal wall

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an operation designed to remove lax and redundant vaginal tissue and so reduce the diameter of the vagina in cases of prolapse of the anterior vaginal wall (anterior colporrhaphy) or posterior vaginal wall (see proctocele) (posterior colporrhaphy).

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col·por·rha·phy (kol-porґə-fe) [colpo- + -rrhaphy] 1. the operation of suturing the vagina. 2. denudation and suturing of the vaginal wall in order to restructure the vagina.

Medical dictionary. 2011.