
1. SYN: contagium. 2. Transmission of infection by direct contact, droplet spread, or contaminated fomites. The term originated long before development of modern ideas of infectious disease and has since lost much of its significance, being included under the more inclusive term “communicable disease.” 3. Production via suggestion or imitation of a neurosis or psychosis in several or more members of a group. [L. contagio; fr. contingo, to touch closely]
- psychic c. communication of a nervous disorder or lesser psychological symtoms by imitation, as in mass hysteria.

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con·ta·gion kən-'tā-jən n
1) the transmission of a disease by direct or indirect contact
3) a disease-producing agent (as a virus)

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con·ta·gion (kən-taґjən) [L. contagio contact, infection] 1. the communication of disease from one individual to another. 2. a contagious disease.

Medical dictionary. 2011.