1. The removal of accumulated fluids or solids. 2. A reduced state of strength from too many free discharges. 3. Excessive loss of a constituent, usually essential, of the body, e.g., salt, water, etc.
- salt d. excessive loss of sodium chloride from the body in urine, sweat, etc.; a cause of secondary dehydration.
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a) the reduction or loss of blood, body fluids, chemical constituents, or stored materials from the body (as by hemorrhage or malnutrition)
b) a debilitated state caused by excessive loss of body fluids or other constituents
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de·ple·tion (də-pleґshən) [L. deplere to empty] 1. the act or process of emptying or removing, such as of fluid from a body compartment. 2. an exhausted state resulting from excessive loss of blood.Medical dictionary. 2011.