
1. A sediment or precipitate. 2. A pathological accumulation of inorganic material in a tissue. [L. de-pono, pp. -positus, to lay down]
- brickdust d. a sediment of urates in the urine. SYN: sedimentum lateritium.

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de·pos·it di-'päz-ət vt, de·pos·it·ed -'päz-ət-əd, -'päz-təd; de·pos·it·ing -'päz-ət-iŋ, -'päz-tiŋ to lay down or foster the accumulation of as a deposit <crystals are \deposited in the articular cartilage, the synovium, and the capsule (Med. Radiography & Photography)>
deposit n matter laid down or accumulated esp. in a living organism by a normal or abnormal process <removal of calcium \deposits in his knees by arthroscopic surgery>

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de·pos·it (de-pozґit) [de- + L. ponere to place] 1. sediment or dregs. 2. extraneous inorganic matter collected in the tissues or in a viscus or cavity. 3. tooth d.

Medical dictionary. 2011.