Guillaume B.A., French neurologist, 1806–1875. See D. disease, D. sign, D.-Aran disease, Aran-D. disease, D.-Erb paralysis, D. dystrophy.
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Du·chenne dü-'shen, də- also Du·chenne's -'shenz adj relating to or being Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Du·chenne due-shen Guillaume-Benjamin-Amand (1806-1875)
French neurologist. Duchenne is widely recognized as the founder of electrotherapy. Dedicating his career to the study of disorders associated with nerves and muscles, he used, as early as 1830, faradic currents in treating patients. He built his own machine for electrical stimulation of nerves and muscles. In 1855 he published a volume concerning the electrophysiology of the muscular system. He is also known for his classic descriptions of a number of medical disorders involving atrophy of muscles or paralysis.
Medical dictionary. 2011.