
Upon (or outside) the dura mater. SYN: peridural.

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epi·du·ral .ep-i-'d(y)u̇r-əl adj situated upon or administered or placed outside the dura mater <\epidural anesthesia> <an \epidural abscess>
epi·du·ral·ly -ə-lē adv
epidural n an injection of an anesthetic to produce epidural anesthesia

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on or over the dura mater (the outermost of the three membranes covering the brain and spinal cord). The epidural space is the space between the dura mater of the spinal cord and the vertebral canal. The spinal epidural space is used for anaesthetizing spinal nerve roots (see epidural anaesthesia).

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epi·du·ral (ep″ĭ-dooґrəl) situated upon or outside the dura mater.

Medical dictionary. 2011.