
1. A natural cavity, pouch, or recess; a sunken or depressed area. SYN: depression (2) [TA], excavatio. 2. A cavity formed artificially or as the result of a pathologic process.
- atrophic e. an exaggeration of the normal or physiologic cupping of the optic disk caused by atrophy of the optic nerve.
- glaucomatous e. SYN: glaucomatous cup.
- e. of optic disk SYN: depression of optic disk.
- physiologic e. SYN: depression of optic disk.

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ex·ca·va·tion .ek-skə-'vā-shən n
1) the action or process of excavating
2) a cavity formed by or as if by cutting, digging, or scooping

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ex·ca·va·tion (eks″kə-vaґshən) [L. excavatio] 1. the act of hollowing out. 2. a hollowed-out space, such as a pouch or cavity; see also excavatio.

Medical dictionary. 2011.