
On the outside or farther from the center; often incorrectly used to mean lateral. SYN: externus [TA]. [L. externus]

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ex·ter·nal ek-'stərn-əl adj
1) capable of being perceived outwardly: BODILY <\external signs of a disease>
2 a) situated at, on, or near the outside <an \external protective covering> <an \external muscle>
b) directed toward the outside: having an outside object <\external perception> <eyesight and the other \external senses>
c) used by applying to the outside <an \external lotion>
3 a ) (1) situated near or toward the surface of the body also situated away from the mesial plane <the \external condyle of the humerus> (2) arising or acting from outside: having an outside origin <\external causes> <\external stimuli>
b) of, relating to, or consisting of something outside the mind: having existence independent of the mind <sensations aroused by \external phenomena> <\external reality>
ex·ter·nal·ly -əl-ē adv

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ex·ter·nal (ek-sturґnəl) [L. externus outside] situated or occurring on the outside; many anatomical structures formerly called external are now more correctly termed lateral.

Medical dictionary. 2011.