
1. A hollow conical vessel with a tube of variable length proceeding from its apex, used in pouring fluids from one container to another, in filtering, etc. 2. In anatomy, an infundibulum.
- Büchner f. a porcelain f. that contains a perforated porcelain plate upon which filter paper can be laid.
- Martegiani f. the f.-shaped dilation on the optic disk that indicates the beginning of the hyaloid canal. SYN: Martegiani area.
- pial f. the pia-lined channel in which each blood vessel entering the brain lies suspended; essentially, the pial funnels are perivascular extensions of the subarachnoid space.

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fun·nel 'fən-əl n a utensil that is usu. a hollow cone with a tube extending from the smaller end and that is designed to catch and direct a downward flow see BÜCHNER FUNNEL

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fun·nel (funґəl) 1. a hollow conical structure with a narrow opening at the apex, such as the vessels used in chemistry and pharmacy for filtering and other purposes. 2. infundibulum.

Medical dictionary. 2011.