
1. SYN: glucosuria. 2. Urinary excretion of carbohydrates. SYN: glycuresis (2). [glyco- + G. ouron, urine]
- alimentary g. g. developing after the ingestion of a moderate amount of sugar or starch, which normally is disposed of without appearing in the urine, because rate of intestinal absorption exceeds capacity of the liver and the other tissues to remove the glucose, thus allowing blood glucose levels to become high enough for renal excretion to occur. SYN: alimentary diabetes, digestive g..
- benign g. g. not associated with diabetes mellitus but resulting from a low renal threshold for sugar.
- digestive g. SYN: alimentary g..
- nondiabetic g. SYN: nonhyperglycemic g..
- nonhyperglycemic g. presence of glucose in the urine without hyperglycemia due to abnormality in renal tubular reabsorption of filtered glucose. SYN: nondiabetic g., orthoglycemic g..
- normoglycemic g. SYN: renal g..
- orthoglycemic g. (or-tho-gli′cem-ik) SYN: nonhyperglycemic g..
- pathologic g. chronic excretion of relatively large amounts of sugar in the urine.
- phlorizin g., phloridzin g. the presence of sugar in the urine after the experimental administration of phlorizin, which results in a lower renal threshold for glucose reabsorption of glucose. SYN: phlorizin diabetes.
- renal g. the recurring or persistent excretion of glucose in the urine, in association with blood glucose levels that are in the normal range; results from the failure of proximal renal tubules to reabsorb glucose at a normal rate from the glomerular filtrate (low renal threshold); defect in the glucose carrier in the nephron. SYN: normoglycemic g., renal diabetes.

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gly·cos·uria .glī-kō-'shu̇r-ē-ə, -kəs-'yu̇r- n the presence in the urine of abnormal amounts of sugar called also glucosuria compare GLYCURESIS
gly·cos·uric -'shu̇(ə)r-ik, -'yu̇(ə)r- adj

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the presence of glucose in the urine in abnormally large amounts. Only very minute quantities of this sugar may be found normally in the urine. Higher levels may be associated with diabetes mellitus, kidney disease, and some other conditions.

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gly·cos·uria (gli″ko-suґre-ə) [glycose, older variant of glucose + -uria] the presence of glucose in the urine, especially excretion of an abnormally large amount in the urine, such as more than 1 g in 24 hours. Called also dextrosuria and glucosuria.

Medical dictionary. 2011.