
Small concretions, usually of uric acid, calcium oxalate, or phosphates, formed in the kidney and passed through the ureter, bladder, and urethra. SYN: urocheras (1), uropsammus (1). [M.E., fr. O.Fr.]

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grav·el 'grav-əl n
1) a deposit of small calculous concretions in the kidneys and urinary bladder compare MICROLITH
2) the condition that results from the presence of deposits of gravel

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small stones formed in the urinary tract. The stones usually consist of calcareous debris or aggregations of other crystalline material. The passage of gravel from the kidneys is usually associated with severe pain (ureteric colic) and may cause blood in the urine. See also calculus.

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grav·el (gravґəl) fairly coarse concretions of mineral salts, as from the kidneys or bladder, of smaller size than the usual calculi.

Medical dictionary. 2011.